

A supposed transcript of a talk given recently by President Packer has been circulating. The jist of it regards hard times we live in, and other "last day" comments you can imagine might be included.

While President Packer did attend the fast and testimony meeting and speak, these multiple versions of his thoughts have been taken from the notes of those present and distributed. Because of this, there are inherent problems you will find with any secondary source. The "transcripts" are not, in fact, transcripts. They are incomplete and imperfect. They are in the words of those that took rapid notes. President Packer has expressed concern about this circulation for obvious reasons. It's someone's incomplete interpretation of his talk.

This is what Church Public Affairs had to say about the matter.

* President Packer did indeed speak at the meeting cited.

* No official transcript of his talk was made and that the one circulating by email was typed after the talk was given and should not be considered to be authoritative.

On 13 May 2004 the First Presidency issued the following letter to all Church units and leaders:

"From time to time statements are circulated among members which are inaccurately attributed to the leaders of the Church. Many such statements distort current Church teachings and are often based on rumors and innuendos. They are never transmitted officially, but by word of mouth, e-mail, or other informal means.

We encourage members of the Church to never teach or pass on such statements without verifying that they are from approved Church sources, such as official statements, communications, and publications. Any notes made when General Authorities, Area Authority Seventies, or other general Church officers speak at regional and stake conferences or other meetings should not be distributed without the consent of the speaker. Personal notes are for individual use only."

This sort of thing has happened before. If you want to see what President Packer has to say on troubled times we live in, check out his conference talk. He spent a long time pondering, praying, and preparing what to say in General Conference this October. He spoke with the authority of an apostle of God. There also happen to be *perfect* transcripts and recordings of it. It's funny how those things worth most to us are overlooked, while trivial incidents are blown out of proportion.

If you receive a copy of the Forest Bend talk by email, please inform the person who sent it to you that it is spurious and should not be used.

If anyone is interested in the official church response to this you can hear a recording of the statement they have issued by calling either 240-2205 or 240-1000 and asking for extension 22833.

1 comment:

Shiloh said...

Very nice post. No wonder you and I are such good friends!! :) Go false-doctrine-busters!