

eccentric, adj.

from Gk. ekkentros "out of the center", from ek "out" + kentron "center".
*Figurative sense of "odd, whimsical" (adj.) first recorded 1685.
*Noun meaning person with such qualities first attested 1832.

1. Of a circle: Not concentric with another circle (const. to). Of two or more circles: Not mutually concentric. eccentric orb: in the Ptolemaic astronomy, an orbit not having the earth precisely in its centre.
b. fig. Not agreeing, having little in common. Const. from, to. Obs.

6. fig. Regulated by no central control.
a. Of actions, movements, and things in general: Irregular, anomalous, proceeding by no known method, capricious.
b. Of persons and personal attributes: Deviating from usual methods, odd, whimsical.

thanks to the Oxford English Dictionary
and online Etymology Dictionary

The other day a friend of mine pegged me as an eccentric.

Which, admittedly, amused me. I've heard that more than once. I've also heard mischievous, whimsical, free-spirited, independent, and energetic. Acquaintances occasionally balk at the plethora of interests I have. I'm "too intense". Lately another casual friend remarked that he had never seen the side of me on display at the neighborhood barbecue. In his own words, I am normally very refined, composed, serene. Very zen. He'd never seen me "scrappy". That is a new one. I'll admit this entry is completely self-serving; it's egotistical. However, I'm willing to indulge that for a moment of self-reflection.

In any case, polished or abberant, intense or multi-faceted, I'm happy to be who I am. I'll take eccentricity as a compliment; and ask that you chew on this: Your rationale for labeling me as an eccentric may prove the same cause of another feeling an affinity for me. Varied interests and an open mind provide sundry avenues of thought. Isn't it logical that some of those that I cross may not be common paths to others? (And, vica verca). Hence definition #1.

Hats off to all my eccentric friends.


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